Blue Summit Supplies presents Made in the Rocket City, a video series showcasing the diverse localbusiness of our hometown - Huntsville, Alabama.
This episode features the Maitland Conservatory, Huntsville’s only comprehensive musical skill and production education center that offers everything from vocal lessons to production classes and anything in between. It was founded by Mario Maitland, who says of the Conservatory's mission, "There should be a place where people can go after their dreams at the point of inception, so I decided to create the Maitland Conservatory."
Karmessha, an instructor at the Conservatory, says that if there was one thing she wished people knew about the Maitland Conservatory, it was this: "A lot of people think that it's just for kids - no. We have people in their sixties taking lessons. We customize lessons for your age and for your experience. Whatever your needs are, whatever your goals are, we're gonna personalize our curriculum just for you."
Check out this episode of Made in the Rocket City to learn more about the Maitland Conservatory, and keep an eyeon the Blue Summit Supplies Facebook page for more insider info on other Rocket City organizations.
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