We’ve all had to make adjustments over the last year, both big and small. For many professionals, one of these adjustments has been shifting to working remotely. And we at Blue Summit Supplies think it’s time for the office supply industry to cater to this ‘new normal.'
This is why we’re releasing our very own line of home office supplies – office supplies tailored to making your work-from-home life as pleasurable as possible.
You’re gonna love it.

Pizza Button
We’re gonna start off small here with an invention that already exists, though we’ve made some slight improvements. Our Pizza Button is exactly what it sounds like – it’s a big, plastic button that you just have to smack to get pizza delivered right to your door. No calling in orders, no dealing with online ordering, just a palm to plastic and you’ll have hot, greasy goodness in your hands in no time.
Our Pizza Button comes in cheese, pepperoni, and ‘Surprise Me’ varieties – though be warned, those surprises are really surprises. We’re talking tuna-fish-and-Frito-pie-on-a-Tuesday levels.

The WFH Stapler
This stapler is engineered with work-at-home warriors in mind because let’s be real, none of us are really stapling anything anymore.
Enter the WFH Stapler! This stapler dispenses candy instead of staples so you can get your mid-morning sugar hit while engaging in the soothing, rote activity we all remember semi-fondly: stapling.
Just hold the WFH Stapler up to your mouth, click it down, and bam, sweetness deposited right onto your tongue. Our prototype to dispense liquor is in the works, so stay tuned.
(Need an actual stapler? We have those, too. Candy and liquor not included.)

Locally Made Hand Sanitizer Pick-Me-Up
Even at home it’s important to stay hygienic, so make sure you have some hand sanny handy. But don’t just settle for any sanitizer; get some dual-purpose hand sanitizer that will keep you germ-free while keeping you alert and positive. Use it on your hands, pour it into your mouth, this versatile little tool is the perfect lunch hour complement to your
Confession: it smells like vodka because it is vodka.

Cardboard Colleagues
Miss your coworkers? … Well, some of them? We’ve got a solution!
You can get your very own cardboard cutout versions of your favorite colleagues to place strategically around your space to create the illusion of company. It’s no more insane than talking to your houseplants which we’re all doing anyway, so lean in! And, as Kevin McAlister has proven, they can be great deterrents to anyone who may be considering breaking into your home.
Plus, in a pinch, you can set up a Cardboard Colleague in front of your Zoom camera so you can take a quick bathroom break. Modern problems require modern solutions.

Office Chair that turns into a bed
We all know it can be difficult to get into the working/productivity mindset if you stay in bed all day. Experts say working from bed isn’t doing you any favors, and can adversely impact productivity, mood, sleep habits, and more.
But what if you had an office chair that reclined into a bed?
That’s right – we’re creating the very first office chair that folds right out into a comfy, twin-sized bed, so you can transition right from work into your midday depression nap. (Disclaimer: mental health is not a joke and my boss did not sign off on that one, but man, if it ain’t real.)

It has been scientifically proven that Larry provides as much of a mood-boosting effect as 5 hours in the sun, eating an entire chocolate cake, and a relaxing beach vacation, so it stands to reason that you’d want a Larry of your own.
Unfortunately, Larry is not for sale. But pets are proven to have mood-boosting benefits including lower stress levels, reduced anxiety, and better heart health, so I fully support you going out and finding a your own perfect four-legged pal.
Not a pet person?
Plants are also great – I can attest. I’ve accumulated 8 since March of 2020 and they are all my babies.
Oh, and one more thing… Happy April Fool’s!
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