Do you ever walk into an office space and know the company has it all put together? The space is clean, stylish, and on-brand, with the perfect signage for their creative meeting room names. In this post, we’ll dig into how to name a conference room and share conference room name ideas that match the voice of your brand. It’s time to create a workspace employees and office visitors admire.
How To Name Conference Rooms

Consider Your Brand Voice
The most important aspect to consider when naming any room in your office is your brand voice. You need to make sure the names you create fit alongside your brand.
It’s time to look back on your brand guidelines and consult your core values. Is your brand funny, or does your brand lean on professionalism? Do you value creativity, or do you prefer a traditional approach?
At Blue Summit, for example, our brand leans to the more playful and creative side. Because we love our mascot Larry, we might name boardrooms after Larry’s favorites things, The Biscuit Room, The Park Room, and The Chasing Cats Room.
What works for one office likely won’t work as well for another. Your brand’s guidelines will help you determine how simple or wild you want your boardroom names to be.

Label Consistently
Consistency is key. Once you choose a theme for your room names, keep it consistent across your office. This will unify your office signage.
For very creative teams, the consistent thread across all of your conference room names could be that they are all completely random. Just remember to stick to your brand guidelines. If you're not a silly company, don’t name your boardrooms after 90s pop artists, and if you are a playful company, don’t limit yourself to Room One, Two, and Three.

Choose a Scalable Theme
If your office grows in size, you’re going to need more workspaces. Does the theme you’ve chosen for your room names expand? How could you add additional names that still fit your theme if you acquire more space?

Get the Whole Team Involved
Involving your team in the process of naming your office rooms will make everyone feel included. It gives each employee a voice and will help ensure you choose a theme and names that everyone can enjoy.
If you need to name a new room, bring the vote to the people. You can let the group that will use the room most decide, or have an office-wide vote on the name. Just make sure the possibilities fit your brand and the theme of your other rooms.

Utilize Room Names Everywhere
Naming your conference rooms doesn’t do a whole lot of good if you don’t display these names. Ensure you post clear labels on all conference room doors so that everyone begins to associate the room with the name.
Once names are picked, stick to those names across all channels. If you have conference room managing software, ensure the room names are included there. If you have an office map, either online or displayed, include all room names there as well. A clearly labeled office map can help guests as well as new hires navigate your space seamlessly, and possibly entertain them along the way.
Conference Room Name Ideas

Clever Conference Room Names
Clever names can be tricky, but when done right, they are appreciated by both employees and visitors. We have a few ideas that can get you started.
Consider room names that will make people think. You don’t want them to be too tricky, but allow your visitors and team to have an “ah-ha” moment when they eventually recognize where the name comes from.
- You might call an IT room “Skynet” from the film series Terminator, after the artificial general superintelligence system that destroys the world.
- Use Room 237 from the book and film, The Shining. You’ll find out who gets the reference.
Consider a play on words. Naming rooms that combine with “in” can make for a whole lot of fun around an office.
The Visible Room = “I am working inVisible”
The Cantation Room = “Let’s meet inCantation”
The Sane Room = “I’m inSane”
Consider names only locals would recognize by highlighting local community streets, restaurants, or landmarks. This may seem random to some, but for those who get it, they’ll appreciate the reference.

Cool Conference Room Names
Cool conference room ideas work for businesses that want to look fresh and up to date on the latest trends. You might choose cool or silly names to appeal to younger employees or visitors. Cool conference room ideas will spark joy among workers and visitors alike.
Nostalgia: Nintendo, Cabbage Patch, Tamagotchi, My Little Pony
Popular TV Shows: Central Perk, Cheers, Dunder Mifflin, Moe’s, The Upside Down
Niche Industry Leaders: Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Lisa Su
Silly Foods: Pineapple, Pizza, Spaghetti, Pumpernickel, Ratatouille
CoolIce Cream: Rocky Road, Heavenly Hash, Bubblegum, Cookies and Cream

Magical Conference Room Names
Geek is the new cool. So many sci-fi and fantasy favorites have been thrust into the mainstream in recent years. Plus, they add a sense of magic and wonder to your office space.
- Harry Potter: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Dumbledore’s Office
- Star Wars: The Death Star, Tatooine, The Millennium Falcon
- Game of Thrones: Stark, Targaryen, Lannister, Greyjoy, Baratheon, The Night’s Watch
- Superheroes: Fortress of Solitude, The Batcave, Avengers Headquarters
- Magical Mix: Hogwarts, Middle Earth, Westeros, Narnia, District 12, A Galaxy Far, Far Away….

Professional Conference Room Names
Sure, this may not be as fun, but sometimes it’s exactly what your brand needs. Professional room names don't need to be completely boring, just not as playful as some offices might choose.
Consider how you can clearly differentiate the various rooms in your office without contradicting your traditional approach.
- Colors: Red Room, Blue Room, Green Room
Simple colors are easy for people to remember without being too silly.
- Metals: Silver Room, Gold Room, Platinum Room, Bronze Room
Metal tones can give visitors a sense of wealth and richness.
- Popular Cities:New York Room, Paris Room, London Room, Tokyo Room
Popular cities from around the world have a big global appeal, especially for international businesses. Consider naming your conference rooms after the other main locations of your business.
Random Conference Room Name Generator
Coming up with creative names for conference rooms can be a difficult task, especially if you want them to reflect your brand’s sillier side. If you're looking for a theme of all-out random office room names, use a name generator to decide for you.

Behind the Name Generator
The Behind the Name Generator lets you choose names based on specific cultural backgrounds, mythology, or mystical elements. Depending on what you choose, you can end up with quite interesting and certainly random names. Sparklebell Bubblesnarl, BurgundyDusk, Jellyshy RubyTempest, and MC Ice Toddd were suggested using the Whimsical tag.

Business Name Generator
Shopify has a business name generator that you can use to come up with conference room names that still tie into your business or industry. These names are a little more tame than other random name generators.
We put “Larry” in the query field to reveal dozens of Larry name options, including GoldenRule Larry, Trinity Larry, Larry Fly, and Starter Larry.

Travoltify Your Name
In 2014, John Travolta famously flubbed the pronunciation of Idina Menzel’s name when introducing her at the Oscars. He bizarrely introduced her as “Adele Dazeem,” sparking a pop culture phenomenon that spawned memes, videos, and all sorts of John Travolta name generators.
Use a Travolta name generator to help you come up with truly zany office meeting room names. You can Travoltify your current boardroom names or use the names of upper management. “Larry the Dog'' travoltified becomes The “Lacey Turner”Room. If you Travoltify an ordinary name like “Conference Room,” it becomes The“Catherine Rozz”Room.
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