Best Desk Accessories for 2021

In the past ten months, working life as we know it has changed a lot. Whether you’ve remained in the office or made the transition to remote working, it’s been an adjustment that takes some getting used to. And especially given the Year That Must Not Be Named, we’ve got to get our kicks where we can.

To help you make your workspace a little bit more fun and somewhere you don’t actually mind spending time, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best desk accessories and some cool office gadgets.

Whether your computer is on your dining room table, in your home office, or still in your actual office, these cool desk accessories will surely make a difference in your working day.



The best desk accessories for 2021

air purifier

Air Purifier

First up is an air purifier. Air conditioning in large offices can make the air feel stale and recycled, making you feel stuffed up. A desktop air purifier uses a filter to catch dust or impurities in the surrounding air. They can be relatively inexpensive, from around $20 to $50, but as with anything, it’s sometimes better to spend a little more for the best results. Levoit offer a wide price range, starting with this True-HEPA air purifier which also offers some aromatherapy options for great smells.

Some purifiers claim to catch 99% of germs, but this is only really the case if you get one with a “True HEPA” filter rather than a “HEPA-like” filter. The acronym stands for “High Efficiency Particulate Arresting”, and this is the only filter that can truly remove germs, microbes and bacteria from the air.

As well as being a cool desk gadget, an air purifier will also look right at home next to your ever-present bottle of hand sanitizer.

    wireless charging pad

    Wireless Charger

    Don’t you just hate running out of juice at work when you’re only halfway through your favorite playlist or podcast? Negate the need for lots of wires or trying to find a conveniently placed USB socket by investing in a wireless charger.

    They’re available as flat pads or upright stands suitable for charging one device, but if you want to push the boat out a little, go for something bigger and more versatile that can charge multiple devices at once.


      Be sure to check compatibility before you purchase, as some products may charge only Android or only Apple devices, not necessarily both.


      For one of these cool desk gadgets, Belkin offer a range of flat and standing chargers at a variety of price points.

      desk organizer

      Desk Organizer

      It may not be the most advanced technology, but a simple desk organizer is a tried-and-true classic for a reason. Whether you’ve got just the one pen and a handful of staples, or a full stationery set, a desk organizer is the best tool to keep your desk… well, organized.

      The types of organizer available are really wide ranging. From simple pen pots, to full desk top shelving, there’s something for everyone. For the minimalist, you can’t go wrong with the classic mesh wire style with multiple compartments – they usually take up very little space too.

      A desk organizer is one of the best desk accessories to make your office feel more you. From novelty organizers to sleek and sophisticated leather storage compartments, there’s truly something for everyone. Plus, to complete the look, you can get matching products like mouse mats and document trays, or simply buy them all as a set such as this one from Sorbus.

      For something really fancy, go for one that incorporates a wireless charger as well and kill two birds with one stone – organized and high tech!

        wrist pad

        Wrist Supports

        It’s inevitable that a lot of your working day will be spent at a computer, and this can take a toll on your wrists and hands. It’s best to take breaks away from the keyboard if you can, but this practice sometimes gets forgotten when working at home; in an office, there are tea or coffee runs to do for colleagues, meetings to go into, or impromptu chats by the water cooler to get you away from your desk.

        Repetitive strain injuries are no joke and can be seriously debilitating. Look after your wrists and give them the support they need with memory foam or gel pads for your keyboard and/or your mouse. Particularly if it’s unavoidable for you to reduce the time you spend typing, wrist supports are the best office desk accessories to minimize the risk of pain and injury.



          Memory foam pads such as these are an inexpensive investment, and can also be bought in a few different colors.


          Noise Cancelling Headphones

          Focusing these days can be tough enough as it is – there’s so much else going on in the world that it sometimes feels overwhelming. So, when you finally get into the zone and are smashing through your work tasks, there is little more frustrating than interruptions like loud conversations, traffic noise or your desk neighbor crunching through a mid-morning packet of chips!

          Block out those distractions with arguably one of the best office accessories: noise cancelling headphones. Restricting background noise will help you focus and be as productive as you can. Like most headphones, noise-cancellers are available in a variety of colors from a number of brands.

          This pair from Sony come in black and blue, and also function as a headset for phone calls.

            insulated mug

            Insulated Coffee Mug

            We all know that, for most people, coffee is an absolute must-have to start the day. A stainless-steel hydro mug will keep your much-needed coffee hotter for longer, so you no longer have to come back from a longer-than-intended meeting to find your beloved beverage is cold and unpalatable.

            Hydro Flask have got you covered with a 12oz mug in a number of colors which is perfect for keeping at your desk throughout the day. With a handy press-in lid, you can also take it with you on the go without worrying about spillage.

              anti fatigue mat

              Anti-fatigue Mat

              We have explored the benefits of standing desks before on our blog, and there’s no denying they definitely have some benefits. However, one issue can be fatiguing in your legs and back if standing for too long on a hard surface.

              One of the best standing desk accessories is an anti-fatigue mat that gives your feet something softer to stand on, lessening the strain through your legs and back.

                adjustable laptop stand

                Adjustable Laptop Stand

                Standing desks can be quite bulky and take up a good chunk of space, so they’re not always the most practical desk to have at home. But don’t worry, because you can still reap the benefits of periodic standing to work by investing in an adjustable laptop stand.


                  Computer screens should always be at eye-level when using them for long periods of time. This improves your posture and lessens the likelihood of developing neck and upper back pain.


                  An accompanying cool office gadget, if you don’t already have one, is a wireless keyboard. Using one with your laptop will give you more freedom to move around and change position while you work.

                  cable organizer

                  Magnetic Cable Organizer

                  As well as being a potential trip hazard, lots of cables in your office can look just plain untidy. A cluttered desk can be distracting, so organizing your cables is one of those jobs that should be done sooner than later. Magnetic cable organizers like this one from Anker that sticks to any surface, will keep all your wires and cables in one manageable place.

                  It will also mean that the wires don’t get too twisted or kinked in any place, which could mean the device they’re connected to doesn’t function properly. We’ve got more advice on cable management on our blog.

                    stress banana

                    Stress Balls and Fidget Toys

                    To keep your hands occupied and ensure you don’t indulge a bad habit like, say, biting your nails instead, stress balls and fidget toys are a valuable alternative. They can also be a way to show off a little bit of your personality at work which makes them a very cool desk accessory. Stress balls are available in so many designs, including characters from TV shows and movies or general interests like sports. For something even more niche, how about a stress banana?

                    As an employer, you can provide these with company branding on for your employees. Usually, wherever you get your branded stationery from will sell stress toys too.

                    For something really Zen and satisfying, things don’t get much more soothing than your very own desktop sandbox.

                      keyboard cover

                      Silicon keyboard cover

                      If you’re sick of the same keyboard view every day, liven it up with a silicon cover. Keyboard covers are great for noise reduction if the constant tapping is too much to handle, and they also protect against dust and crumbs getting in the keys. Perfect for anyone who loves a snack while they work.

                      Clear silicon covers are best for a sleek, professional look, or you can inject a bit of excitement with different colors or even rainbow.


                        Before you buy, make sure you’re getting the correct size for your laptop or computer as it isn’t one size fits all.

                        usb fridge

                        USB Fridge

                        We’ve mentioned how great it is to keep hot drinks hot in the hydro mug, but what about those warmer days when all you want is an ice-cold soda? The go-to item if you’re after cool gadgets for your desk is the desktop USB fridge. Yes, that’s right – a little fridge you keep on your desk and keep charged via a handy USB cable.

                        Probably the coolest (get it?) of cool home office gadgets, this little fridge works on open cans too. So, if you get halfway through a drink then have to jet off into a meeting, it’ll still be the perfect temperature when you get back. No more tepid, room temperature disappointments.



                          Cool desk accessories honorable mentions

                          led lamp

                          LED Lamps

                          Having the right lighting in your workspace is key. Having a desk lamp will lessen the strain on your eyes and is less severe than relying solely on overhead lighting. Lamps also add a bit of personality to your desk.

                          We mention LED lamps specifically because this type of lighting is the closest alternative to natural sunlight, which has mood- and energy-boosting qualities. For best results, get one that has a few different light settings such as this LITOM LED lamp which also has a handy USB charging port.



                            Having some greenery around is good for the aesthetic of your work environment, sure, but plants are also beneficial for your health. Plants help us out by producing oxygen, and just generally are good at boosting serotonin levels and reducing stress.

                            Having little pot plants to care for is a soothing way to add an extra relaxing step into your routine, but similarly if the thought of the upkeep gives you more anxiety than relaxation, succulents are very tough to kill and look the part of a cool desk accessory. Start your collection and support a local business by dropping by Botanica Plant Shop in Huntsville.


                              Whether you’re in the office or remotely working from home, what we’ve listed above will go a long way towards making your environment more enjoyable. Are there any must-have cool desk accessories that you use or that you think we’ve missed? Leave a comment below, we’d love to hear from you!


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                              ABOUT THE AUTHOR

                              Elodie McClean is a writer and former newspaper advertising professional based in London, England. Often found in the nearest Starbucks having to spell her name out to the barista, she will also talk for days about all things dogs, lipstick, and gin related.

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