Another year has come and gone. While slightly less of a dumpster fire than 2020, 2021 came with its fair share of trials and tribulations, leaving professionals in all industries stressed and on the edge of burnout.
While you’re reflecting on the ups and downs of 2021, check out our top podcast content from the year. Our Standard Office Procedures Podcast is chock-full of insights into workplace communication, etiquette, and relationships.
Thank you once again for following along with our articles and podcast episodes. We have the best, most phenomenal customers, and we can’t wait to bring you more office strategies, tax tools, guides, and incredible office products in 2022 and beyond.
Take a listen to the episodes listed below so that you can kick off the year and hit the ground running.

The Standard Office Procedures Podcast
The Standard Office Procedures Podcast is the proud brainchild of Blue Summit Supplies. As many of you (we hope!) already know, we’re passionate about helping admins, managers, and business professionals succeed—both inside and outside of the office. We use each 1 hour episode to delve into topics surrounding workplace etiquette, communication, collaboration, wellness, happiness, and much more.
We evolved Standard Office Procedures from our original podcast, The Admin Hour, so we could expand our scope to include all kinds of professionals from a range of different industries. The podcast shares insight into how professionals can live and grow both professionally and personally with culture, communication, and candor.
Ep. #2 Preventing Burnout in the Workplace
Employee burnout is real. Burnout has become such a workplace and health crisis that The World Health Organization has added its definition to the International Classification of Diseases.
Burnout is not depression. When we talk about burnout, we’re specifically talking about your workplace commitments and the symptoms that stem from overworking yourself. BUT—employee burnout can lead to depression if left unaddressed. In this episode, Grace and Shannon discuss how to identify burnout, how to prevent it, and what to do once you're officially burnt out.
Plus, we bring in licensed yogi Connor Humphrey of Light On Yoga to discuss how breathing exercises and a light yoga practice can help prevent burnout and bring balance to your life.
Disclaimer: we will not offer any medical advice, as we are not medical professionals.
Listen to the full podcast here: Preventing Burnout in the Workplace
Ep. #3 - Making Yourself Indispensable at Work
For most of us in the workplace, job security is a major concern. What if my job can be completed quicker and more cheaply with AI? What if my boss discovers someone who is better for the position than I am? Will I ever get a promotion?
If that sounds familiar, then this episode is for you. Just because every position is open to uncertainty and there are no guarantees doesn’t mean you can’t make yourself an invaluable asset to your organization.
In this episode, Grace and Shannon discuss how you can make yourself indispensable at work by throwing your personal and professional development into overdrive, heightening your level of emotional intelligence, and going the extra mile. Plus, our special guest Jess weighs in with tips for those of us just starting out in our careers and what we can do to be better, quicker.
Listen to the full podcast here: Making Yourself Indispensable at Work
Ep. #13 Confidence at Work: Why It Matters and How to Get It
“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.” – E. E. Cummings
Confidence at work matters and too many of us don't have enough of it. Contrary to popular belief, confidence isn’t something you either have or don’t. Confidence is a soft skill that can be honed and developed over time.
In this episode, Grace and Shannon discuss why confidence is important for you professionally and share ways you can grow your own confidence. Because yes, confidence is a skill—which means you can build it! Plus, our guest Bailey Benton, a certified life coach and host of The Conscious Buzz podcast, speaks to us about how to think more positively and build confidence from within.
Listen to the full podcast here: Confidence at Work: Why It Matters and How to Get It
Ep. #14 - Lack of Sleep & Work Performance: What You Can Do About It
Sleep is critical to our health and wellbeing. Sleep deprivation significantly impacts both our bodies and minds; it can lead to weakened immune systems, depression and anxiety, heart disease, obesity, and much more.
Shannon likes to think of sleep like rebooting her computer and allowing for updates—sleep is your body updating its own software. In this episode, Grace and Shannon discuss how a lack of sleep affects work performance and how to build healthy sleep habits—even for those of us living with insomnia.
Plus, Melvin joins us in the studio to read out some of our best #overheardattheoffice tweets.
Listen to the full podcast here: Lack of Sleep & Work Performance: What You Can Do About It
Ep. #16 Overcoming Impostor Syndrome at Work
Imposter Syndrome is the belief that you don’t belong, aren’t qualified for your job, and don’t deserve the accolades you receive—and the next mistake you make is going to expose you for the fraud you are.
Minority groups and women are especially susceptible to Imposter Syndrome, and while it can be misinterpreted as humbleness or modesty, it’s actually extremely destructive to our self-esteem.
Impostor Syndrome plagues more than half of the American workforce, and it's something both Shannon and Grace are intimately familiar with. In this episode, they break it down and discuss ways to overcome Imposter Syndrome and the negative (and untrue!) feelings associated with it. Listen as we discuss what Impostor Syndrome is, how it affects work performance, and what you can do to lessen its effects.
Listen to the full podcast here: Overcoming Impostor Syndrome at Work
Ep. #18 Actionable Strategies for Better Communication at Work
Clear, open, and respectful communication is essential to a successful workplace—but it doesn’t happen overnight. While we all communicate differently, we’ve all wished we were better communicators at some point in our lives. Or, at the very least, we’ve wished the people around us were better communicators. 😅
But how do we foster better communication between team members? How do we become more effective communicators ourselves?
In this episode, Grace and Shannon share seven strategies for building effective communication in the workplace. No matter your current role or the industry you work in, these actionable strategies will help you become a better communicator.
Listen to the full podcast here: Actionable Strategies for Better Communication at Work
Ep. #22 Circle of Control: Combating a Lack of Control at Work
Feeling like we’re not in control of our own lives doesn't feel good; in fact, it feels pretty terrible. A lack of control in our personal or professional lives can bring on feelings of stress, hopelessness, and fear. Fortunately, there are techniques you can implement today to combat a lack of control inside and outside of the workplace.
In this episode, Grace and Shannon share strategies for taking back control, recognizing what’s not in your control, and dealing with stress at work, including ideas for how employers and managers can help.
Plus, our guest Melissa Welch weighs in on her own experiences with what it means to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Listen to the full podcast here: Circle of Control: Combating a Lack of Control at Work
Ep. #23 Work Better Together By Using Enneagrams to Understand Coworkers
Do you ever struggle to understand where your coworkers are coming from? Do some of your coworkers seem to have a different definition of what ‘late’ means? Do you ever struggle to understand a coworker’s sense of humor—or lack thereof? You’re not alone.
Every one of your teammates has their own unique idiosyncrasies, work habits, and communication preferences—and that includes you too. While by no means a perfect science, the Enneagram personality assessment is a tool you can use to help you discover and navigate these differences.
In this episode, Shannon and Grace dissect what it means to work with different Enneagram types in a professional setting and how to better serve and understand your differently-typed colleagues.
Listen to the full podcast here: Work Better Together By Using Enneagrams to Understand Coworkers
More Resources to Add to Your Playlist
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Well, see ya never, 2021. Bring on 2022! Follow our office blog and Standard Office Procedures Podcast for the latest trends, office strategies, product comparisons, and more. We have lots planned for the year ahead!
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