Buckle up, Huntsville, because Larry’s in the giving spirit – and when Larry says ‘give,’ we say, ‘how much?’

This month, on November 20th, 2020, we at Blue Summit Supplies are hosting our very first annual Day of Giving sponsored by not only Larry but a handful of local organizations!
The Day of Giving will be a drive-up optional, socially distant event facilitating safe donating and will last from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
One of our core participants is the LifeSouth Community Blood Center, who has recently expressed a higher need for blood donation than usual. All blood donation will be safe, hygienic, and pre-scheduled to ensure you get in and out as efficiently and safely as possible! LifeSouth is also offering free COVID-19 antibody testing to all donors, and Blue Summit Supplies is providing gift bags onsite to ensure all donors’ blood sugar stays at healthy levels.
To donate blood, you must sign up early for a unique time slot to ensure LifeSouth can enforce sanitation and social distancing protocols. You can sign up and learn more about this here.
Due to the Covid-19 virus, there is sizeable blood shortage. LifeSouth is working to dispel donor fears by taking the following measures to ensure participant safety and carefully following CDC guidelines.

Also onsite will be several other organizations.
- The Food Bank of North Alabama will collect non-perishable food items; a list of their most-needed food donations can be found right here.
- Kids to Love will accept donations of new coats, jackets, and shoes in all sizes for both boys and girls.
- Free 2 Teach will collect school and teacher supplies for students and teachers in need; a list of their most needed supplies can be found here.
- Village of Promises also has a wish list for all manner of basic necessities you can find here.
- The Cap and Gown Project and Therapy Partners will also be present and accepting monetary donations.
All physical item donations will have a drive-up and drop-off option to ensure donor safety. Volunteers will be onsite to unload donations and thank you for your generosity!
But that’s not all – our Campus 805 neighbors Straight to Ale and Yellowhammer will be participating in the goodwill by setting up a collection spot at their locations starting now and ending November 20th, the day of the event. Both breweries will also be donating $1 for every pint of beer sold during the event, and Yellowhammer is donating a case of hand sanitizer for the cause. I cannot think of a more altruistic reason to go have a beer, can you?
So, November 20th, 2020, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., we (and Larry) hope to see you on the Campus 805 green! And stay tuned for a more in-depth look into each of our awesome participants.
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