What do you get when you combine extreme sports, overwhelming community support, and a whopping $2,600?
If you’re Grace, our Manager of Culture and Content, the answer is thrown off the edge of a building.
Alright, alright, ‘thrown’ may be too strong of a word.
We prefer the word ‘rappel’ – Grace rappelled down the tallest building in downtown Huntsville, Alabama, the 15-story Regions Bank building that stands at a steep 160+ feet.
Rappelling is often confused with abseiling, though the two are different! Rappelling is a sport in which the participant descends via a rope, whereas abseiling means descending a steep drop with the aid of some sort of mechanical device. The more you know!

Thanks to the generous support and big hearts of those in our sphere of influence, Grace managed to blow past her goal of $1,500 by a whole $1,100 to raise a total of $2,600.
Was it worth it?
“Raising money for Kids to Love? Absolutely. They’re an amazing organization that works tirelessly to create better circumstances for kids in foster care as well as placing them in forever homes. Every dollar in their hands is a dollar well spent.”
But what about the big drop?
“That’s a different story,” Grace admits. “I didn’t think I was going to be nervous at all, but once you get up there… Fifteen stories is pretty dang high.”
Thankfully, she had the support of her BSS teammates to encourage her down the building – not to mention everyone else who cheered on all the rappelers scaling the 160 feet.
This wouldn’t have been possible without the support of you, our community, and the rest of our sphere of influence. Thank you and thank you to Kids to Love for doing such great work. We’ll see you next year!
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