As a small business, we’re grateful for each and every year we get to spend doing the work we love: improving our sphere of influence by bringing you, and everyone in it, the best possible product at the best possible price.
It may sound cheesy, but we understand the impact even a small thing (like an envelope) can have. Our low prices and pain-free customer service make something that might’ve once been tedious (like envelope shopping) a painless process, freeing up your budget and mental bandwidth for the projects you want to focus on.
Beyond that, we’re firm believers in the power of doing good. Blue Summit Supplies exists not to sell stuff but to improve the lives of everyone it touches. Right now, the way we do that is selling stuff! We also love to give back to our community, learn from one another, and grow into making the world a better place.
We asked the team at Blue Summit Supplies to weigh in on what they were thankful for this year.

“I’m thankful for a job that challenges me every day and for a warm house, good food, and a loving family to celebrate Thanksgiving with.”

“I’m thankful for my wife and kiddos, and for all the wonderful things they’re doing in their lives. Seriously – it’s pretty great to witness and be a part of that. And I’m thankful to have a good job, working with people I genuinely care about and appreciate. Not everyone can say that, y’know?”

“I’m thankful for family, LuluLemon pants, and Excel.”

“I’m grateful for the love of family and friends, and to work with an incredible group of people I proudly call friends.”

“I’m thankful for every day I have to correct the mistakes of yesterday.”

“I’m grateful for my two wild and wonderful kids, my massive dog, and a job that lets me be myself (mostly). And I’m grateful for really good tea and Jeff Goldblum’s beautiful hands.”

“I'm grateful for my incredibly supportive husband. He's my partner in crime and my biggest ally, and he makes me laugh like nobody else. And I'm so thankful to work with a team that values our culture above all else. Our office boasts the most loving, conscientiousness environment I've ever experienced.”

“I’m thankful to live in a time where we’re able to build a business like ours completely online, and to have a flexible schedule so I can travel and spend time with friends in different cities.”

“I’m thankful for friends I know I can rely on, and a job doing what I love with wonderful people (and a wonderful Frenchie).”

“I’m thankful for a new, fun job, and for the improvement in the health of a family member.”

“I’m thankful for numbers because damn, do I love accounting, and airplanes because damn, do I love travel.”

“I'm thankful for my growing relationship with my younger brother. As he’s getting older, the dynamic is changing. I’m no longer his annoying, nagging older brother, but instead his friend. And I'm thankful for all the work growth opportunities 2019 has had. FCS has been a great place to learn and improve thanks to Jake’s and Matt’s mentorship.”
And, above all, we at Blue Summit Supplies are thankful for you. If you’re reading this, you’re in our sphere of influence, and we could not exist without you. So thank you, from everyone at Blue Summit Supplies – especially Larry.
What are you thankful for? Let us know! Leave a comment below or find us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. And, as always, if you have a question or a concern, send us an email– Larry loves to hear from you.
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