At Blue Summit Supplies, we work hard to improve as many lives as possible. Everyone from our suppliers to our colleagues to our customers – we call each and every person members of our ‘sphere of influence,’ and our driving force is to add value to their lives.
But in our pursuit to make the world of office supplies a better and more affordable place, we have to acknowledge one major player: Larry.
If you know Blue Summit Supplies, you know Larry. She’s our CHO – Chief Happiness Officer – and our office’s daily dose of cute. A French bulldog with a personality twice the size of her stocky little body, she keeps spirits high at Blue Summit Supplies with her unconditional adoration.
We couldn’t think of a more appropriate day to honor her than National Love Your Pet Day.
For Love Your Pet Day, we’ll be showering Larry with even more love and affection, along with a generous helping of doggy treats.
We wanted to loop you in on the fun, too, so we decided to give you a glimpse of Larry’s special ‘Office Dog’ schedule.

7:15 – Wake up to a cascade of kisses. Mom is loving me extra for Love Your Pet day. This is the life

8:00 – Go into the office! It’s a Wednesday and there is work to be done. No one can start without me.

8:01 – Hurry over to greet everyone, in order of favoritism – Shannon first. She is my work mom and gives the longest cuddles. Then Jessica, who always smells like flowers. Patrick is cool, but he’s a quick stop en route to Megan – aww, yes. Megan. She’ll play with me and let me gnaw on her fingers.

8:07 – Gnaw on Megan’s fingers.
8:10 – Continue my greetings circuit with Katie! Katie loves me. I love Katie. Then Laurel, who has a soft blanket. I love Laurel, too. Oh, oops – I just remembered Grace exists. Loop back to give Grace cursory cuddles. She is great, but she is no Shannon.

8:13 – I’m tired after my greetings. It’s time for a nap. Pad back to my clam shell bed and cuddle up under the blankets. Sleepily watch dad work.

8:21 – Fall asleep. Make tiny happy little grunting noises while I sleep. Dream of licking envelope seals.

10:15 – Wake up to the smell of food – Katie is eating lunch early. I love Katie. I love Katie’s lunches. Let’s go see what she’s having. Katie won’t share with me because Dad won’t let her, but she doespet me. A worthwhile trip.

10:19 – Walk around the office, checking on everyone. Everyone is good, but much better when they see me.

10:25 – Settle into the warm sunny patch on the rug. Promptly fall asleep.

12:00 – Wake up to the smell of more food – everyone is eating lunch! Go check on everyone’s lunches. Get lots of ear scratches. Play with Megan until she tries to go back to her desk. Then, block her path and make her play with me some more.

12:30 – Nap time again. Selling office supplies is hard work.

3:30 – Wake up to Dad and the others talking. They’re having a meeting in the conference space – I better go join. They’re always lost without me.

3:40 – Climb into Shannon’s lap and oversee the meeting. It’s going much better now that I’m here, and Shannon has wrapped me up in her pashmina. It is so warm and cozy. I better not fall asleep… This meeting sounds important.

4:30 – Oh no! I fell asleep! But everything seems to have gone well despite my silence. Phew.
6:00 – It’s time to go home – I’m so excited! I can’t wait to see Mom! I can’t wait to see my house! Most of all, I can’t wait to do it all over again tomorrow!
From everyone at Blue Summit Supplies (especially Larry), Happy National Love Your Pet Day!
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