Every burgeoning organization should have someone overseeing the happiness of its team – team, meaning everyone from employees to customers to vendors to beyond.
For us, that overseer holds an important title: Chief Happiness Officer. And our Chief Happiness Officer is a cuddly little French bulldog called Larry. (Who, yes, is a girl.)
But who is Larry?
Let’s learn about the Frenchie who’s at the heart of our operations.
From Humble Beginnings
Larry’s been with Blue Summit Supplies since the very beginning – since our company consisted only of our CEO, Owen Franklin, selling envelopes from his sofa in his bathrobe. She kept Owen’s spirits up day in and day out as he worked out the early-days kinks of starting up an eCommerce business, cuddled up in his lap.
Now, Larry keeps Owen company in the office – Owen, and the rest of the Blue Summit Supplies team.
She embodies the crux of our values, which is to improve as many lives in as many ways as possible. While we choose to do it through low-cost, high-quality office supplies, Larry does it through cuddles and cuteness.
French Bulldogs 101

- Frenchies aren’t actually French in origin – they’re English! They’re bred down from English bulldogs.
- This sweet, docile breed used to be used by lace makers in England, who would use their Frenchies as lap warmers to stay toasty while working.
- French bulldogs can’t swim. That’s right – their short muzzles mean they have to tilt their faces up to breathe, and this tips them backwards. If you’re taking your Frenchie out on the water, make sure to outfit her with a Frenchie lifejacket!
- Frenchies are playful, tiny, and loving, which makes them a great puppy for a family with kids of all ages.
- Unlike most dog breeds, French bulldogs are a sedentary breed, meaning they need very little exercise. In fact, taking your Frenchie on a long walk is inadvisable; if she’s anything like Larry, she’ll wind up being carried home halfway into it anyway.
- French bulldogs are sensitive. They respond well to positive reinforcement and can become mopey or sulky when scolded. (Yep. Sounds like our sweet Larry girl.)
Behind the Name
Around the office, Larry goes by many, many names. Here are a few of the most common:
But while most of these are self-explanatory, you may be wondering why, exactly, she’s named ‘Larry.’ We get it; we’ve all wondered the same thing. Larry isn’t exactly the most ladylike name, and Larry is undeniably a precious princess puppy.
The story is pretty straightforward: Owen Franklin, Blue Summit Supplies’ CEO and Larry’s dad, grew up around animals. His mother was a veterinarian and because of this, he often saw the more difficult aspects of pet ownership firsthand: sick animals, hurting animals, animals in their final days. He was never particularly keen on adopting a dog because of this and had no desire to have pets of his own, but had always thought ‘Larry’ would be a great dog name.
And then he fell in love with a girl. (A human girl.)
Tiffany, his wife, had always wanted a dog – a French bulldog. When she learned of Owen’s naming stipulation, she agreed, and promptly found and fell in love with the teeniest, sweetest Frenchie puppy in the world. And Larry was christened Larry, and everyone lived happily ever after.
As for Owen’s stance on pets now?
“Best money I ever spent,” he grins, before rethinking his words and adding, “Well. After the engagement ring.”
Larry’s Favorites
Food: Cheese!
Pastime: Cuddling. Or napping.
Color: It depends on the day.
Holiday: Halloween.
Person: Tiffany, her mom.
Office supply: The classic double-window #8 self-seal security check envelope. She’s a Frenchie of fine tastes.
A Day in the Life of Larry
So, what exactly does a Chief Happiness Officer do?
At our office, Larry’s in charge of morale.
She’s the bright sunbeam of happiness who runs into our office every morning, taking time to greet everyone in turn. She definitely plays favorites – I’m looking at you, Megan, our Director of Financial Operations – but we forgive her, because have you seen that sweet face?
Larry’s days are busy. They’re full of sleeping in laps during meetings, resting in her favorite patch of sunlight, falling asleep in the crook of our Graphic Designer Jess’ elbow as she works, and patiently waiting for someone to drop a scrap or two during lunchtime. She also guards the door every time Owen steps out, and excitedly alerts us to newcomers – especially our UPS guy.
She reminds us to stay positive. Larry’s constant, cheerful presence is the embodiment of the warm, friendly attitude we hope to have when we interact with others – each other, our vendors, and you, our customers.
Good job, Larry.
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Hi Jeanne!
Larry came straight from heaven above, and is one-of-a-kind. I’m afraid it’s just not possible to find anyone quite like her! ;)
Jeanne kennedy
Where did you get Larry from? I need to know, so I can get one like her.
Thank you!!!!!!
Thank you, Thomas!! We are inclined to agree! BOOP (back!
Larry & her friends at BSS
Hi Shelley!!
Tytanium and Shadow sound like true assets to your company! =D Larry is thrilled to know she has such wonderful colleagues in other industries that so beautifully uphold the position of Chief Happiness Officer <3
Larry and her friends at BSS
Shelley k Nottrodt
We too have a Chief Happiness Officer. In fact we have 2.
Shadow is a rescued tiny Rat Terrier who over sees the front offices & alerts arrival of all guests & deliveries.
His favourite job is cleaning up after snack & lunch time. He goes home with our Office Manager.
Ty, short for Tytanium, is a Silver Lab puppy learning from Shadow, the Chief Happiness functions in
the back offices. Although both have their designated areas of Happiness responsibility, they
make sure to meet up for playful breaks to keep our days sunny & bright.
Thanks Larry for the designation job title.
Larry provides ton of laughter to all she reaches! Boop!
Lauren Franke
YES! Our little sunbeam, Larry, is alive and thriving!
Robert Erickson and Caden Crawford
Is Larry still alive?
Sherry Sobul
It is so nice that Larry has all her team to at work to give her some love during her long work day. Thank you. BGE
I loved reading about Larry! If all companies would operate like this, it would make my job as an Office Manager a lot more fun! Thanks for putting more into your business than just product and money.
I liked you guys before. But! I love Larry. This is the cutest! I like feeling like I’m purchasing from people and not just a business.
Marcy Reamsnyder
I love Larry. I am glad to have the pleasure of meeting her at the office and enjoying her great doggy hugs!!!